Made New is Envisioning Tomorrow by Embracing Today's Opportunities

Made New combines the ancient craftsmanship and wisdom of Laos with modern tech and design to transform single use waste (i.e. plastic bags) into high value household products (i.e. fabric goods). This model relies on the strength of Lao people and brings their skill to the global market. Through this work, they are increasing economic opportunity, providing safe and dignifying work; while also, educating employees, stakeholders, and communities they partner with about sustainable living and waste management. They aim to educate about the personal harm of burning plastic and the damage to the environment along with how to replace these patterns with sustainable alternative paths to transform plastic to value.

In the bustling streets of Laos, there is a social venture seeking to take something thought of as trash into something Made New. This social venture is not just about recycling plastic waste; it's about transforming communities and nurturing a sustainable future for generations to come. With innovative initiatives like the Plastic Bag Partner Program, electric three-wheeler collections, and active participation in popup markets and events, Made New is rewriting the narrative of waste management in Laos.

Made New's excitement begins with their ability to mobilize communities and foster partnerships. Through their Plastic Bag Partner Program, they have forged alliances with local businesses, schools, and organizations, encouraging them to collect and donate plastic bags for recycling. This collaborative approach not only increases the volume of plastic waste diverted from landfills but also instills a sense of collective responsibility among participants.

They recently introduced of an electric three-wheeler with a small truck bed which has revolutionized Made New's collection process. This eco-friendly vehicle not only reduces carbon emissions but also allows for efficient and reliable transportation of plastic waste from various collection points, including pantries and partner establishments. It's a tangible demonstration of Made New's commitment to sustainability, integrating green technology into every aspect of their operations.

But Made New's impact extends beyond the logistics of waste collection. They are a ubiquitous presence at popup markets and events with their upcycled household goods and engaging with the community to spread awareness about the importance of plastic recycling. Whether it's through interactive demonstrations, educational workshops, or simply showcasing their upcycled products, Made New leaves a lasting impression on attendees, inspiring them to rethink their consumption habits and embrace sustainable alternatives.


The recent contest held at one of Made New's events, challenging participants to guess the number of bags it would take to equal the weight of Scott, the owner, exemplifies their creative approach to education. As individuals held a single plastic bag in one hand and sized up Scott, they were confronted with the tangible weight of plastic pollution. It was a moment of revelation, a reminder that every bag discarded has a lasting impact on our planet. In case you were curious, it was 16,434 plastic bags to equal the weight of Scott.

The introduction of the "Bag-O-Meter" scale further reinforced this message, allowing people to visualize the amount of plastic waste they generate personally. It's a powerful tool for raising awareness and sparking conversations about the environmental consequences of our consumption patterns. Through these interactive activities, Made New is empowering individuals of all ages and backgrounds to become agents of change in their communities.

As we reflect on Made New's journey, we are reminded of the power of collective action and the potential for positive change. Through their tireless efforts and unwavering dedication, they have proven that a better, more sustainable future is within reach. With each plastic bag collected, each community engaged, and each mind enlightened, Made New is paving the way towards a brighter tomorrow—one step, one bag at a time.


Be sure to follow us on social media to see the future social impact from this social venture.

Learn more about ‘Made New’ and donate to their cause here.